Saturday, December 18, 2010
Today is a good day!
Today I was able to sleep in uninterrupted until 8:30!!
Today is the last day in my first round of Turbo Fire.
Today is the first day for me using Shakeology.
Today I broke the next 10 pound barrier in my weight loss journey that I've been battling for weeks!!
No matter what is going on in your life, there is nothing that sets off a day better than waking up completely on your own to the responses of your own body with no alarm clock, be it mechanical or toddler, and a full 3 1/2 hours later than I normally rise. This is all thanks to my mom who kept the girls last night so I could go wedding dress shopping with my bestie, cause she's getting married and I'm so excited!!! So I got to enjoy a night out shopping and dining, without any need to rush home and then sleep as long as I was just good, BUT on to more important things...
I feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment that I complete Turbo Fire. Sure, it's taken me more than the 12 weeks intended but that's because I've interrupted the schedule by doing the 5 Day Inferno 3 times and I've also, repeated 2 of the weeks twice because I didn't feel like I had given them appropriate attention and/or effort. The point is though, I did it! I actually stuck through with something clear to completion. I haven't hit all of my weight loss and fitness goals in these 12ish weeks, but I have changed my body dramatically! I've lost over 20 pounds and several inches off of my body (actual weight and measurements will come tomorrow) . I've literally gone from wearing a size 12 pants to now a size 6! Once again a Beachbody product has changed my life because I stuck to their motto "Decide. Commit. Succeed." (Period.) And I feel so good about it. I can't tell you how many times I've had lofty ideas about some fitness program or weight loss gimmick, some schedule that I said I would complete and get great results from only to be sitting on the couch eating ice cream straight from the carton by the end of week 1. It feels good. I feel like I've finally broken the trend. I'm done with the failure mentality and I honestly feel like I can do anything that I set my mind to. Perhaps that sounds cheesy, and I'm not asserting that Turbo Fire has given me a new lease on life but as another milestone in my journey, it has help solidify some of the habits and changes to my mindset that have been under construction for the last 17 months.
The next part is Shakeology! The thing is this, if you use any of the Beachbody products or hang around the website or any of the message boards for any period of time you kinda start to wonder what kind of crack they have put into this stuff to make everyone freak out over it so much, but then you feel that twinge of "I've gotta have it, too." And when you taste it for the first time, it all becomes abundantly clear!! Now, be prepared, I'm about to sound like one of the crazies, but hear me out. If you don't know what it is, Shakeology is a meal replacement shake, no not like Slim Fast. It is blend of over 70 whole-food, natural ingredients with a glycemic index of only 24 (anything below 50 is considered low!) and provides complete nutrition for your body, without any artificial sweeteners or chemicals to trick your body into feeling full. So, anyway, I ordered it. I've been anxious for it to arrive, and skeptical too. I've had this stuff built up so much by all of my counterparts that I was sure in no way could it live up to the expectations that I've had for it. So it got here yesterday, but I didn't get home until almost 11 last night, and despite wanting so desperately to blend up a shake right then and there, I waited until this morning. I was sure that I was going to be let down by the taste. I've drank a lot of protein shakes, and meal replacements, and no matter how good they claim to taste they all still have that awful after taste of something artificial and bad, but this...OH, this was DELICIOUS!
When I opened the enormous package, it smelled just like a dark cocoa powder, it was a good start. I chose to abandon all of the recipe idea cards for ways to mix it up and try out different flavors and I took it straight, blended with just a cup of water and some ice. The consistency was just like a rich creamy milk shake and the flavor wasn't that dissimilar. I called Alex and told him that it tasted just like something I'd had from Starbucks, almost like a frozen hot cocoa with a hint of cinnamon. It was so good! I said I even felt guilty drinking it because it was so rich that psychologically I was telling myself that I shouldn't be drinking it, but I SHOULD!! A little over 1/2 way through the shake and I really was already starting to feel full. It was tasty and it filled it's purpose, now I'm about 2 hours since I had the shake and I still feel perfectly satisfied! I'm anxious to see how it will help me feel overall. Since it is supposed to help with energy (without stimulants), weight loss, and overall health I want to see how I feel through the next 30 days, but this might have to serve as my official boarding pass for the bandwagon, because it's stinking TASTY!
And finally, probably the best news that I've ever gotten in the first 5 minutes of being awake came when I stepped on the scale this morning. I know there are several mixed feelings and a whole lot of opposition to weighing daily, or in many cases at all, but for me, it's something I have to do. You see if I don't have that "check" on me every day, if I don't feel like I'm going to have to account for my actions the previous day, I have more of a tendency to be a little more lax with my consumption or my workout schedule. I convince myself that a piece of pizza won't really hurt me, or I can have a few Oreo's, but if I know that I'm going to have to account for that pizza and cookies in the morning I'm more than likely going to pass it up, and so it keeps me accountable. I set a lot of short term goals for myself in my weight loss journey. When I have something I know I can hit relatively quickly, it makes it easier to keep momentum. Mostly this has been the 10 pound barriers. When it started I gave myself 2 weeks usually to lose each 10 pounds (at least for the first 30). Then I stretched it out to 3 weeks. A lot of the goals I haven't met, but it helps me keep momentum and have something to celebrate, so for example every time I would break the next 10 pound barrier, I celebrate. When I went from the 210's to 209, I celebrated, when I went from the 20x's to 199, I celebrated BIG TIME and now I've hit another big one. This is a big one because all my life while I've been overweight, I thought that this number was where I wanted to be. Several months ago, I knew that was no longer the case, but now I am lower than I ever thought I could be. I am less than 20 pounds away from my ULTIMATE goal weight. I am in single digit sizes! And I am plowing towards that goal with a ferocity of a wild beast. It's so close now! This is SUCH a huge celebration because I've been fighting this particular 10 pound barrier for quite some time. On December 4th, for the first time I was only 1 pound away, but through poor choices with my diet (diet being all of the food I eat, I am not "on a diet") my weight went on an upswing, and I was in that 5 pound buffer which is completely normal with sodium consumption, water retention, digestion, etc. but today, a full 14 days later, I broke it, and I'm partying like it's 1999!!
Today is INDEED a good day!
Monday, November 29, 2010
McFatFatFatFatFatty Monday
I know my last post was all puppies and rainbows and motivational speaking about keeping the calories low and the weight loss high over the Thanksgiving weekend, but I've let you down. Here is the long and short of it. I'm a closet eater. I always have been, which is why no one could ever understand why I was so overweight when it didn't look like I ate that much. It's because I've always been embarrassed to eat in front of other people, no matter how much or how little I was eating. It's a shame thing. Just like any addiction, it isn't something you flaunt. So, I'd never sit down in a room full of people and eat a whole large pepperoni pizza for myself, that's not to say that I didn't do it, I just didn't let anyone see me do it. Now, that's not where I fell apart this weekend, but I did fall apart. Thanksgiving was the easy part. Everyone was watching. I did just as I planned. I made my healthy side dishes and ate only a small amount of turkey breast with the healthy sides, and some raw veggies. I had a few single bites of sides that Alex had served himself, but that I wasn't willing to risk the calories of overindulging by putting them on my plate. Then we went to my mom's house. Keep in mind that this was the 2nd stop for all of my siblings, and we're talking about only a total of 10 guests (including my 2 children), and this is what we walked into.

I will weigh tomorrow. I will face the scale and face my failures. I will admit that I've fallen apart and will stop eating when no one is watching, but I will also complete the 5 Day Inferno this week. I am on track to burn off as many calories as humanly possible and only fuel my body with clean food. I will be back down to my successful loss of last week by Saturday when I see all of the extended family for our first of several Christmas celebrations...and I will hold it together there too.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Lighten Up!
It's been said many times that I'm a little crazy when it comes to my calorie counting. I'm a little obsessive over what foods I eat, and writing down every calorie consumed. I'm a little crazy when I research the calorie content of a dish at a restaurant before I'll order or when I bring my own food to a dinner get together, and while not wanting to offend anyone on Thanksgiving I've come up with a plan. It is customary every year for each of the adults to bring some type of side dish to the celebration, helping alleviate some of the work load and the expense, and so I've chosen to bring side dishes that are hearty enough to sustain an appetite, but not ruin the meal plan and thought as a whole, I could lighten up the calorie content of the day. Here are my thoughts:
Instead of the rich cream and butter filled mashed potatoes, consider roasted seasonal root vegetables dressed with herbs and a drizzle of olive oil.
Instead of green bean casserole try fresh steamed green beans with roasted garlic and onions.
Celebrate the pumpkin in a means other than pie. Make mini pumpkin muffins using canned pumpkin and a box of spice cake mix. Still a sweet treat with pumpkin but with only right around 45 calories each!
Make baked sweet potatoes, sweetened with honey instead of brown sugar and marshmallows, but feel free to still top with some dry roasted pecan pieces.
Choose to roast just a turkey breast instead of the whole turkey, this will save you both on time and money!
When it comes to hors d'oeuvres choose a veggie or fruit tray and avoid some the more calorie dense meat and cheese trays. Graze on raw veggies before the meal so that you aren't starving and risk over eating.
Consider when the big meal of the day will be served, but do not hold out on eating until that meal. While you will surely want to enjoy all of the delicious autumnal fare, you don't want to wind up resembling the turkey--overstuffed.
Make sure you eat breakfast and even a morning snack to keep your metabolism high and your appetite low, being too hungry when it's meal time will cause you to over eat.
Eat slowly! Hunger cues come from your brain, not your stomach, if you wait for your stomach to feel full, you will have eaten too much.
Don't hang around the kitchen! Hanging around the food will cause you to snack out of habit, or boredom. Removing yourself from where the snacks are will keep you from unconsciously adding to your calories.
Look out for the high calorie drinks like egg nog, soda and alcohol! If you're going to increase your calorie budget today, make sure you use it on things you actually want, like the food. Drinking a single glass of egg nog can cost you as much as 360 calories!! That's the same as 1/2 POUND of turkey breast!
And last but not least here is my pick for this year: Spaghetti Squash with Ricotta, Sage, and Pine Nuts! When I first found this recipe on another blog for easy, healthy and inexpensive recipes, I thought it was too good to be true, even took the time to calculate the calorie content myself because with the creamy deliciousness of the ricotta I thought there was no way we were coming in at under 200 calories, but it's true! I did a dry run with it before testing it out on the masses on Thanksgiving, and in the words of Rachel Ray, "YUMM-O!" It was seriously delicious. Of course, I'm not one to follow a recipe as it stands and I gotta always put my Michelle twist on it so, I cut back to only 1/2 cup of ricotta, and addled about 1/2 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese to each serving, because I felt like it needed a little something, and it was 162 calories per serving! Hello, you're not gonna find any other pasta dish that hearty and that low on calories! Plus, it is a great dish for the fall--very hearty and seasonal with the use of the squash and pine nuts.
Hopefully, I've given you some tips on how to lighten up this Thanksgiving so that we can be truly thankful and not mourning the pants that you can't button as you head out for the Black Friday sales.
Monday, November 22, 2010
McFatty Monday
THANK YOU TURBO FIRE!! I'm seeing the numbers move much more slowly than I had ever hoped for but my body is changing so dramatically that I'm not nearly as hung up as I have been. Honestly, I'm still hung up, but marginally less so. At any rate, I've had to adjust my goals a little bit. Since the scale is moving at a snails pace, losing the last 20 by Christmas is a little unreasonable, so I'm going to push it to Valentines day. That gives me 12 weeks to lose 20 lbs, that's less than 2 lbs per week and totally doable! SO, here is my challenge to you...
Set your personal goal to not gain even 1 pound over the holidays. If you're feeling extra motivated, resolve to LOSE weight while every one else is adding an extra pie to each thigh! Don't wait until New Years to make your resolutions!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A great big steaming pot of love
As a woman, I think it is natural to compare. Not right, necessarily, but natural. I think that's largely the result of the images we are fed in the media, from an early age, we flip through the magazines and see these "perfect" supermodel bodies tucked between articles of "Bikini Body by Spring" and the psychological process of comparison begins. This is what I'm supposed to look like, and this is how I'm supposed to do it--and so we start to compare ourselves physically, and then we become competitive. We're supposed to be blond because it's summer time, so let me dye my hair, but hers looks better than mine so I have to ask her for the name of her stylist, we compare shoes, wardrobes, jewelry, even spouses and we want to have the best and be the best. I mean, how else could Manolo Blahnik get away with selling $300 pairs of shoes!?! Thus it carries into every area of our life, we are so attuned to the comparative nature that we do it down to the habits of scrubbing our toilets, and so Mrs. X always looks gorgeous and her house is pristine and her son can already read and so surely I'm not doing the best that I can when I run to the store decked in my sweaty workout attire, with dishes still in my sink and my children screaming all the way. BUT the truth is Mrs. X was the one just ducking out of Wal-Mart with her hair in a pony tail and little Johnny screaming because he didn't get the Oreo's he wanted. We see in others what we want to see, and subconsciously we want to compare.
One of the responses I received from yesterday's post was a phone call. As I began talking to the very tender hearted woman on the other end of the phone, I burst into tears as I poured out all of the stressors that I had been suppressing for the last several months and she asked me a very simple question, "Does Alex know how you've been feeling?" I paused and hesitated, because the one person on this planet whom I claim to talk to about everything, who I swear I keep no secrets from, who shares my very heart and soul was so removed from all of the things that had me so worked up, that he didn't even know anything was wrong. It wasn't his ignorance, it was my walls! I've been so caught up in the need to be perfect! I mean look back a few posts and you'll see the climax. I've been so dead set on shielding myself from everything that has been a concern--the health of my parents, the state of our finances, Alex's recovery--that I completely poured myself into obsessing over making everything fit into this ideal that I had created and in the process I was pushing away Alex, the priority who I claim to do it all for!
It wasn't but a short time after I ended this phone conversation that I received a call from Alex, and with my voice wavering I answered the phone and in response to his concern I fell apart into a blubbering mess. As much as is possible, he consoled and comforted me and offered me all of the reassurance that no one else could. He sees all of my bad days, he knows how ugly I can be sometimes and he still loves me and still thinks that I'm a good wife and mother, and it was then that it all started to change.
This morning I woke up and I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. I didn't make the coffee but it was there for me, just like it is every morning, and as I inhaled the fragrant aroma and savored the warm brew, I fell a little more in love with my husband. You see all the times I complain about the crumbs that he leaves behind, or the dirty socks on the floor, candy wrappers in the couch cushions and dirty dishes left on the table, and I think of those as the expectation, or the "slap in the face" and I feel like he doesn't see me as anything more than just the housekeeper became irrelevant because in that cup of coffee I was reminded of his love. Alex is up and out of the house before I even think about opening my eyes on most mornings, and because of the nature of his job he is often preoccupied with several tasks and to do lists before he leaves the house, yet every morning he makes a pot of coffee. One of the first things that Alex learned about me when we started dating was my love affair with coffee. Sure, he is a coffee drinker too, but he always makes sure to make a full pot, because he knows that I won't make coffee if I know that I'm the only one drinking it, and so he always leaves at least a cup for me. Not only does he always make sure that it's there for me, but he leaves the burner on so that it stays warm, so that every morning I wake up to a warm pot of coffee waiting for me. He knows that despite his busy schedule that every day he can give me the gift of indulgence in one of my simple pleasures, something that I won't give myself. So, in that instant this morning as I sipped the coffee from my mug I was reminded of my husband's love for me and I knew that he still thinks I'm doing ok. So despite the comparisons and obsessive need for perfection, despite the overwhelming feelings of inadequacy when it all falls apart, I know that every morning when wake up to coffee, my husband still loves me, and it's going to be ok.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
No thanks, I'll be eating my words for dinner...
Here it is, no make up, no fluff, accessories off barefoot bearing of my soul. I feel like a bad mom. I read the blogs of several of my other mommy friends, real and virtual and the way they long for bath time and they love the squeals of joy and excitement, the way they die a little inside if they miss bed time, and how they just love spending every minute with their kids, and I can't help but think either they're exceptional liars or I am a terrible mother. I suppose that maybe a lot of the feelings that I have came from the fact that I wasn't always a SAHM and we had to be pretty flexible very early on with Michaela because of my continued medical complications after her birth. After she was born, it was a tense time in Alex and my relationship. We were both struggling with our own demons, whether we realized it at that time or not, and we were disconnected. Fatherhood to an infant wasn't at all what he expected. He resented having a child and the fact that it took time away from us. We both worked all day, and I was running to and from daycare, with a 35 minute commute one way (without traffic), then coming home to do the household chores, cook dinner and then bathe and get a little one to bed and all without any help. Unless I specifically asked him to hold her or feed her or spend any time with her, he didn't. I began to resent those tasks. Bath time just became one more frustration and another 20 minutes that I spent wrestling a screaming baby from dinner slopped mess to powdered bottom and jammies, and all that I longed for was putting her in the crib and shutting that door so that I might feel human, even for just an instant.
At 7 days old, when I was readmitted to the hospital and told that I couldn't have my child with me, I missed a lot of bed times, and bath times, and while it hurt desperately to have her away from me, it was ok. Then we became youth leaders, and our time was pulled in so many different directions. We regularly had events that required finding a babysitter for Michaela. She was at daycare all week, and with a sitter a lot on weekends and something broke. And then there were two! While Alex and my relationship was vastly improved, and his demons had been wrangled and he offered boundless more support and cooperation, my demons still had a stronghold, and again I struggled. We became even more involved in the youth which meant several over night stays with grandparents and sitters. I was alone for what sometimes felt like days at a time, because of Alex's work schedule, trying to care for an infant and not completely neglect my toddler, but I think I did. Here I was it was all the same tasks, but doubled, and all day long. There wasn't the "break" of going to work, there was the brief hour long stint of synchronized napping that was supposed to be enough to make me feel like I could survive this chaos, and somehow, I did. Sure it's still crazy, but I've gotten things under control in the last 21 months, but not without what I'm sure is more than a fair amount of damage.
I write this from a very broken place. Yesterday was by and large probably the worst of my days as a mommy. All the time and energy that I've spent focused on trying to never discipline out of anger completely flew out the window, when I found my 2 girls covered from head to toe in my makeup, as was my dresser, several towels and my carpet. Sure, I know it's cute when little girls want to be just like their mommy and put on her make-up and her shoes, and dresses and act like a "big lady" but the thing is, it really is only cute the first time you're paying a deposit on an apartment because the carpet has lipstick stains, when you're on the 2nd or 3rd it immediately incites anger. Had it just been Emily even there might have been a lesser response, but it was a full blown catastrophe. You see, Michaela has gotten into my makeup before, she got into trouble and had since, not touched it...until yesterday. I walked into that room livid. It wasn't just about the makeup, or the carpet, it wasn't just the fact that I knew she knew she was doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing, or the fact that she encouraged her sister along the process, it was all of those things and all of the other things in my life along with the added nudge from that uninvited house guest Mrs. PMS that completely shoved me over the edge. I hit my wall and I fell apart. I disciplined from sheer unadulterated anger and it just went down hill.
I found myself screaming into those precious little faces, faces contrived with fright and tears running down their cheeks, and I just kept yelling. Without any compassion, I cleaned the makeup off of them and put them in their beds for nap time, slamming the doors as I uttered threats. Michaela was told that when she got up from her nap that she better not leave her room without it being clean or suffer the torrent of spankings I had coming her way. I threatened to throw all of her toys away, break them and destroy her things just like she had mine--really, I was that immature! Then I walked away, hoping that the next 2 hours of silence would be sufficient to alleviate the bubbling rage in the pit of my stomach, but before I knew it, mid-hamstring stretch, Michaela comes waltzing into the living room arguing that there's just too much to do in her room and so she can't clean it. Now side note here--she's 3, when we ask her to clean her room, we absolutely by no means demand perfection, and we've striven to ensure that there is organization and a place for everything. She knows the place for everything and is very capable of completing the task, but she is also very capable of coming up with a myriad of excuses why she is incapable of completing the task. Much to her (and my) dismay, this was one of those days.
It was a matter of principle, and punishment that she was required to clean her room unassisted. I was still harboring this irrational anger over the earlier incident and every time I looked at her I was just furiously angry, every time she tearfully made an excuse as to why she hadn't done it, couldn't do it, or wouldn't do it, the anger swelled until I swear every neighbor was no more than a button push away from calling DFS because of the yelling and blood curdling screams that were coming from my home after I finally made good on my promise and spanked her--palm to bare bottom. This only made things worse. She was hysterical now, how did I expect her to complete the task that she had started 2 1/2 hours earlier and I was even more angry, but this time with myself. How could I have let my anger get so out of control that I took it out on her. Sure she initiated the anger, but it was hardly about her at all. I literally couldn't stand to see my reflection in the mirror, because I hated myself so desperately for hurting her, for making her cry, for making her, no, for making them fear me. So, I took out the anger on everything else. I made Alex feel bad for requesting what I had suggested for dinner. I complained about making my own separate meal that was healthier, I complained because my throat hurt because I had yelled so much. And I put them to bed, with prayers of utility stoic bedtime kisses and abruptly shut doors.
So, I think it was more than a matter of coincidence and repetition of my sarcasm from last week* when Michaela threatened her imaginary child with "beating their butt" and told them that she was "a terrible, mean mommy" I fear what she thinks of me--what she deserves to think of me. I fear what Emily is learning as she watches Michaela have these power struggles with me, and I already see her defiance, and I fear that I'm completely losing control. I'm losing control of my 3 year old, who talks back and has an opinion about everything, I'm losing control of my 1 year old who insists on following everything her sister does, and I'm losing control of myself as I give in to these emotions, spout off the anger that I'm feeling and submit to the emotion. I think back to the beginning. I think back to all of the reasons why I resent the tasks and I can't help but wonder if it's made me resent not just the task but somewhere deep down, I resent them too? I wasn't ready to become a mommy when Michaela was born, but we were irresponsible, the same way that we were when Emily was conceived, and so it all became a matter of utility. Without question I love my children, but I think I did them a huge disservice by having them before I was emotionally ready, and thus I eat the words that I speak, because I don't really hear the biting pain with which they were delivered until it's coming out of my 3 year old's mouth and so I'm broken and convinced that no matter how much I seem to have it all together, I've done it all wrong........
*At some point last week Michaela was being difficult and whining about opening the garage door. I was in a hurry and opened it before I even had a chance to realize what she was requesting and so she went on to ask why I didn't let her open the door to which I sarcastically replied, "Because I'm a terrible, horrible mean mommy, who never lets you do anything you want to do."
Monday, November 15, 2010
Uh...that branch doesn't look too sturdy...
One of the amazing parts of this weekend was Fall Retreat with the youth group. The weekend was focused on challenging the some 60+ students to acknowledge God's glory and the concept that "God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him" While the focus of the weekend was for the teenagers, I feel like God uses every opportunity to speak to us, and He was definitely speaking to me this weekend.
All through scripture there are countless examples that everything God does is "to His glory" or "for His glory" or "to bring glory to the Lord" but He wants us to find our complete satisfaction in Him and when we do, it brings Him glory, because He is more than enough for us. I got to thinking about where I find my it in the Lord? Sure, some of it, but largely I seek satisfaction in other things, and usually am found wanting which is surely not a matter of happenstance. When we are fully seeking our satisfaction in the Lord, we must respond to the plans that He has in store for us. We can't be so focused on our own plans that we lose sight of God's plans, but sometimes that means taking big risks.
Coming back from retreat, our youth service on Sunday morning was about going out on limb for God. In Psalm 37, David says, that he was young and now he is old, but in all his years, he has never seen the righteous forsaken (emphasis mine). When we respond to God's plan and go out on a limb for Him, we will never be let down, and so I started reflecting...
Going through this life we are presented with a lot of opportunities. Many of them are rewarding and awesome things that we shouldn't pass up, perhaps a new job opportunity, or 1/2 off of that hot pair of pumps you've been wanting, but just as frequently there are opportunities that we are presented with that we should clearly pass up. The chance to run a red light when no one is around, or wear hot pink stirrup pants with a leopard print leotard. The fashion faux pas is obvious, but not all opportunities are that cut and dry, especially when you are actively seeking God's plan in your life. How do you accurately acknowledge which opportunities are God given and which are self-appointed?
I think some of it comes down to satisfaction. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. What am I satisfying by taking or passing up this opportunity? Am I truly seeking the Lord and finding my satisfaction in Him, or by taking this am I seeking to satisfy a financial need, or need for recognition? As I believe is the case with most women, especially wives and mothers, I have an overwhelming fear of letting people down. If I make an appointment I always arrive as early as possible, so as not to keep anyone waiting for me. I'm afraid of letting my husband down by not being a good enough wife, not being pretty enough or fit enough that he won't want people to meet me, he won't want to introduce me to his friends or co-workers. I have a fear of letting my children down--not spending enough time nurturing their little brains, not giving them enough love and affection. I worry about them spending their adult lives lying on the shrink's couch toting the phrase, "Mommy didn't love me enough" and in the same respect I worry about letting God down. What if the opportunity is God given and my logical reasoning separates me from that opportunity? Will it come around again? Will I still be able to fulfill the plan that He has for me and my family, or is this a one shot deal, a limited time offer, while supplies last?
The problem is that we can't be logical when we step out in faith. Faith is all about believing without seeing, and logic makes you look at the facts, believing and reasoning based on what you can see. It's not just about going with your gut, because sometimes it really is just the chili you ate last night, it's about a real heart issue, being so attuned to God that you are responding to His call, but how can you be sure that it's God who is calling? The answer is, you can't, and that is why we've gotta go out on a limb sometimes. This life is like a tree, every opportunity is a branch, our inclination is to use logic and grab the strong sturdy low branches that will hold up, but if by some freak chance they don't it's not that far of a fall, but sometimes it's about climbing all the way to the top, making big impacts, taking big chances, and by faith believing that the tiny seemingly weak branch is enough to support you, and knowing that sometimes the rigid oak tree that looks strong, can't sway in the storm like the seemingly weak weeping willow can.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Last time I checked, the 1st amendment still stands...
First, let me go on record as saying that pity was not my intention. Not pity, or sympathy or even empathy. My intent was emotional release, internal reflection, Biblical devotion, and prayer request but not pity. I know that there are several people who have been following my posts on Facebook for updates about my dad, it was simply easier to include all of the goings on in one post rather than 18 because of the length restrictions on Facebook. There was also irritation over some of my oversharing. Last time I checked, that was still my picture at the top of this page, it was my name in the by line and it was my life that I was documenting. If you don't like it, DON'T READ IT!! The point is, it's my blog. I write about what I chose. I'm sorry if you think I over share, or discuss things that are no one else's business. I'm not defaming you, I'm not spreading lies and I'm certainly not wasting my time worrying about posting the details of your life. Kindly take your threats else where, because here they are unfounded, unwarranted, and just plain silly.
Your Opinionated Over Sharing Blogger, Michelle
Do not be anxious...
I like to think that typically I'm the one who does a pretty good job keeping it all together. I am a perpetual worrier, but a closeted one and so most of the time, despite the fact that I'm a nervous wreck on the inside I've usually got that calm cool pulled together look on the outside. Or at least I think so... *starts to worry if I look worried all the time*
The above verse has been my mantra for the last 2 years. Since the time when I was close to the end of my pregnancy with Emily, my worry quotient went through the roof. I couldn't help but stress out about any and everything. I chalked it up to my body being totally out of whack from all of the pregnancy hormones and believed that it would get better when I was no longer housing my adorable little spawn...this was not the case. Over the past 2 years my anxiety has multiplied exponentially. Sometimes it almost feels like I look for things to worry about, as if without that tension in my life I'm feeling somehow incomplete. Of course this is not a conscious search for stressors, but it happens.
The last few months have been a culmination of all things stress-worthy in my life, and after last night's 11 o'clock phone call, I might just have hit my limit, but I'll get back to that in a few minutes. Let's start at the beginning...3 months ago, my dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer with his throat being over 80% blocked by a tumor. This news hit us all with shock, and fear. My dad has always been over weight and had bad habits, but otherwise he's been a fairly healthy guy and now the big C!?! The first few weeks were the hardest as all of the information kept coming out, but he was positive, largely to save face for the rest of us. At any rate we're 3 months since the diagnosis and he's finished his chemo and radiation treatments and is awaiting surgery to remove the tumor (Currently scheduled for Dec 6th). At this point I should be happy, right? I should be optimistic that he's come through all of the treatment so well, but it's hard to sit back and watch your dad wither away. No matter how positive he is, no matter how much his attitude radiates optimism, I've still watched him drop 65 lbs, cringe in pain every time he tries to move across a room, fade to exhaustion from a stroll around a mall, lose his hair, and his teeth, and my heart breaks. I've tried to have meals with him where he winces with every attempt at swallowing. The burning in his throat is so excruciating that he's barely eating and now the surgeon is telling him without regaining some of his strength, surgery might not be possible and circumstances are only bound to get worse immediately following the surgery, before they'll get better. THIS IS MY DAD! I DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM THIS WAY!! I'm still just that little girl who looks at her Daddy and believes that he's so strong, and indestructible, he can fix anything and has a gadget for just about any task. MY Daddy can't be sick, but I try to accept it. I try to trust in God and believe that it's all part of his plan...and then another bomb.
Just one month after my dad's diagnosis, Alex got hurt at work. He was moving an entertainment center to connect the wiring for the satellite when he experienced a blinding pain in his back and was put on light duty. Unfortunately during his time on light duty when he was working in the office, company changes and stress was at an all time high, and he got caught in the cross fire. After 2 months, 4 doctors and countless fights with the worker's comp insurance company the decision was finally that he'd have to deal with the pain and get back to work, as it was strictly a muscular issue. With our income seriously cinched and Alex still in lots of pain, he's back to work, but my anxiety makes me feel like I'm not pulling my weight financially, since I'm "just a stay at home mom," but we pray and we push on.
Earlier this week, my sister called me to tell me about the outing she'd had with our grandma. She discussed the deals they found the laughs they had, and then she got serious. Apparently mentally, my grandma is deteriorating. On what should have been a 5-10 minute drive to a store she goes to almost daily, she got lost 6 times! She called my sister by the wrong name and tried to take her "home" to my uncle's house. What is happening here!?! My grandma has always been mentally sharp and quick witted, she's the healthiest 82 year old I've ever met...or so I thought.
Then there was last night. After a pleasant evening of Biggest Loser, lots of laughs, and a delicious meal, we headed to bed only to be rattled by a call from my dad at 11. When I saw the caller ID, I was gripped with fear. Something had to be wrong. My dad hardly ever calls me, least of all at 11 pm! My mom was being taken to the hospital. Are you serious!?! This morning I found out that the diagnosis is Ileus, which can be a very minor or very serious condition. At this point they are optimistically saying it's minor and will improve with time. It doesn't look like there are any obstructions, and she should be fine in a day or 2, but when I heard that she was ill, all that I could think about is the old Italian superstition that deaths always come in 3s. One as a result of old age, one an illness, and one unexpected. Grandma Check. Dad Check. Mom Check. And so immediately, my worrying nature had me planning 3 funerals. So I went back to my verse. I read it and I try to believe it. I try to have faith. I try to relinquish control of the things that I have no control over and trust that God's plan is so much bigger and more perfect than my nature could ever comprehend, all the while trying to ignore the ever growing knot in my stomach and keep myself pulled together.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Sure, I can do that too!

The problem here is that I can't say no. I know people say that all the time, "I don't know how to say no to anyone and that's why I always put myself last," but that is not what I'm saying. I don't know how to say no to ME. Since I have this exaggerated concept of my ability to add hours to the day so that I might accomplish all of the tasks that I've promised myself I'd complete, I always feel like I can add more to my schedule--and so presents the problem, yet there is nothing that I'm willing to sacrifice. The other problem is that when I get an idea to do something, I give it EVERYTHING. So, I re-embraced my blog, and now I have so many topics that I want to write about that I'd like to be posting several times each day, but I've committed myself to no more than one post per day and finding the time to create something actually worthy of a read is in and of itself a challenge at once a day let alone multiple, but I will try to refrain. I will try to keep it at one, actually doing it, and not overdoing it. And, I hope you'll enjoy, or tell me how much you hate me even, I just hope you'll keep reading. :)
Monday, November 8, 2010
McFatty Monday
I gotta say, I'm a little on the fence about the name though, sure it's clever and everyone loves a good alliteration but I like to try and keep my weight loss and body image stuff optimistic and I think "McFatty" might be anything but optimistic...OR maybe I'll just pull the stick out of my butt and roll with it. So, McFatty it is :)
Now, it is with slight apprehension that I write this post, you see, I'm coming off of a VERY good weekend, and I try not to be the type to lure you to my blog only to brag about how awesome I am, (though I'm pretty sure if you're reading my blog you realize that I am awesome without me telling you so). My hope is that by telling you about my successes and failures that I can help you realize that if you're on your own weight loss/fitness/ health journey that fluctuations are natural and the biggest key is to just pull up your boot straps (although none of my boots have straps) and keep going. Maybe I'll inspire you, that's my hope.
Well, here goes. A couple of weeks ago I decided it was time to finally buckle down, get serious and lose these last 25-30 lbs that are hanging around like a stray cat. Since my very ambitious commitment and obsessive determination I have lost 11 lbs! But the last 5 have been like a tease here today, gone tomorrow, back again the next day, but I finally feel like I've gotten rid of them once and for all and am on a good trajectory again. Last week was a challenge. I'm not gonna lie! Following the weekend of candyfest, better known as Halloween and all of the Trick-or-trunk-or-fill-my-kids-up-with-ungodly-amounts-of-sugar-Treating, my house was FULL of the stuff that I usually don't allow past the stoop. I was like a drug addict dropped in the middle of a crack house and I couldn't resist the fix, so much so that I wound up giving myself a tooth ache over obscene chocolate, nugaty, carmelly, calorie consumption, but come Monday it was no holds barred, I knew I'd screwed up, I knew it was time to get it together and that's what I did. Everyday, despite fatigue, or excuses, I did my workout, I counted my calories and I stuck to it. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that I didn't eat any more candy after the Sunday sabotage, as a matter of fact, I actually ate candy nearly every day, that was before I stashed it on top of the refrigerator where it wasn't staring me in the face every time I walked into the kitchen.
. As the week wore on though, the weekend was looming like the monster beneath the bed. I couldn’t back track again. I wouldn’t back track again.
Well, Friday was Alex and my night to run the “Friday Night Hang Out” at our church, which means that I’m up later than normal, meaning I wind up needing another something to eat after my dinner which is usually my final meal of the day, but not going to bed until midnight and having had my last meal at 6 when I typically eat every 2-3 hours simply is not an option. There is this dynamic that functions like a demon forcing your body to crave every unhealthy thing in the evening time and he was active in full force Friday night. Thankfully I’ve become attuned to my body’s natural responses. I actually know when I’m hungry and when I’m not. I stop eating before I’m full, not shoveling it in until I’m passed the point of being stuffed, and I made it through!! I had an added pressure on Saturday. I was meeting with a former business associate who was starting her own weight loss journey for the umpteenth time. She was so exhausted over the process and so fed up with starting up and giving up that she asked me to meet with her and give her the extra push. How could I tell someone how to start their fitness journey if I was eating the junk I was telling her to avoid, and not working out like I told her she should be doing!?! And so, despite having a busy day, not fully planning my snacks and eating long after the point of being VERY hungry I for what feels like the very first time in my life didn’t sabotage myself!! Sunday morning saw weight loss! Sunday is ALWAYS a hard day for me. My workout schedule is such that Sunday is supposed to be my rest day, meaning no workout! No workout means that I have plenty of time to wander into the kitchen to find something terribly unhealthy to eat, and I usually do. I firmly believe that this stems from Alex spending most of the afternoon sitting on the couch watching shows that I am less than interested in, and so in my boredom I wander to my demise. Since Alex is now back on full duty at work and trying to make up for lost wages while on light duty , he self-sacrificially gave up his Sunday afternoon to do a BIG corporate job. So, Alex was gone, the girls were napping and my afternoon had disaster written all over it, if I let it, but I didn’t!
I made myself busy. I cleaned the house, I did laundry—LOTS of laundry, but you know what I didn’t do… EAT! I stuck to my calories, I stuck to my meal schedule and this morning I was another pound closer to my goal!!! So, it’s a little thinner McFatty Monday and here is my commitment that next McFatty will be even better!
How was your weekend? Were you triumphant or was it back on the wagon again this morning? What can I do to help you stay on track, to help you reach your goals?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Newest Sander...
First, let me say, I believe that health in every area of your life starts with the physical. We were designed by a God who believes in connectedness, which is why we are called to be in community with other believers, BUT I think this is also true of our physical bodies!
1 Corinthians 12:24b But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it,25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
While I know that this goes on to explain the importance of every individuals role in the body of Christ, it also is very much literal too. I feel as though through the last 20 months my life has been in flux. I've been in a constant state of personal improvement. When I read things that I wrote, just shortly after Emily's birth, I must acknowledge that I was miserable! Everything was gloom and doom, I was depressed in the worst possible way. I hated myself, my life and the direction in which it seemed to constantly be heading, but now?! I can't remember the last time I've felt negative other than for a short time over situational circumstances. I feel again like my life has purpose, I have focus, determination and a positive attitude. This is not a means to be vain or conceded, I'm not trying to brag, but rather report how EVERYTHING in my life has changed.
21 months ago, I was miserable. I didn't have the joy that a new mom should have. At about 19 months ago was the breaking point that started the transformation! You see, my mother-in-law is a wonderful caring and compassionate individual who is largely responsible for me retaining my sanity in the months immediately following the birth of Emily. My opinions and ability to write and actually believe that last sentence is, in and of itself, evidence of vast transformation, but I digress... MIL had a regular habit of insisting that I take some time to leave the house, ALONE and have a time to consider myself human, to get away from the diapers and bottles and crying and potty training of Michaela and just be Michelle. Well, on this particular self-affirming extravaganza I decided that it was time to find some clothing to fit me besides maternity tops and sweat pants, so I set off clothing shopping. After wandering around 2 malls blindly, I finally found myself in Lane Bryant, reaching for the size I thought I should be, only to be met with pants that wouldn't button and tops clinging to every insecurity plastered across my mid-section. After about 20 minutes in the store and leaving every sales associate in tears and myself a hysterical mess, I left empty handed and self-esteem at rock bottom...I HAD to make a change...and so the journey began...
It started with walking...forcing myself to keep the commitment of walking 3 miles 3 times a week, the only time I left my sweatpants and the social protection of the 4 walls of my home. I soon changed my diet, and my body started to change and I wanted more activity, I wanted better food, I wanted to BE BETTER! I needed more than just walking, I started Turbo Jam and my life changed! I started to feel better, and I began to allow myself to look critically at who I was.
Over time I started to think about my emotional health...even without conscious effort, it was improving. I looked at the health of my marriage... it wasn't in distress but I wanted it to be better, I wanted to be a better wife. I looked at my spiritual health and I wanted to make it better. I was reading to improve my spiritual health I did one of the most transformational studies of my life "Beauty by the Book" and I knew my spiritual health was improving. It was all interconnected! The point is, I am in the best health of my life, in every facet! I'm not the same as I was, I am a "New Sander!" BUT it is still a journey. I refuse to be content with where I am. I refuse to settle for being "good enough" or assuming that I've done enough, grown enough, learned enough or even worked out enough, and so the URL stands...Journey for the Newest Sander for I strive to continue to become a newer and better version of who I am and take my whole family along for the ride. Stay tuned, it's bound to be slightly turmultous, but full of great stories, laughs, memories and BIG achievements!
Friday, October 22, 2010
World's Greatest...
I feel like it's important to note that I don't assume that there is qualitative or quantitative measure of success or failure in the Christian walk--except by the measure of professing to be a follower of Christ and living in a way that would taint the message whereas actually preventing people from establishing a relationship with Him--but I do feel like there are certain characteristics of individuals that we can look at and think, that's how it should be done. Much like my obsession with Chalene, I am completely consumed by my desire to be like the woman described in Proverbs 31. After completing a Bible study a few months ago on 'Biblical Beauty' where she was referred to as the "ideal woman," I can't think of anything I'd rather be more. Looking strictly at the language element of that title...ideal, what is better than that? She really is the BEST mom and wife, not just portrayed that way in the little 5 minute vignette after the workout where you "get to know your trainer" and it creates the dynamic of look at my perfect life and family and home and if you do this workout you'll be just like me, perfect, thin, beautiful, successful, with perfect children, a perfect husband, and a perfect multimillion dollar home in southern California with his and hers gas guzzling SUVs and millions of friends. The BIG difference here is that the ideal woman didn't write Proverbs 31 about herself, her money didn't go to the production company to script, film, edit and produce the perfect glimpse into her life. She didn't go around looking for fame, but she got it just by being an amazing woman. It says that her kids talked about what a great mom she was, her husband was successful because of her support, even this chapter is King Lemuel conveying the message that his mother taught him about what to look for in a wife. This woman's reputation is remarkable! AND SHE LOVES THE LORD!! No matter how many days or weeks or even months have gone by since I completed that study, I literally every day think about how I can be more like that woman, which makes it even more frustrating when I see all of the popular negative representations of women and the marriage dynamic.
I know that most of it is portrayed in ways that are intended to be joking and is simply an effort to poke fun at the hormonal state of women and make light of the monthly mood swings, but it's frustrating and potentially even damaging to the marriage relationship when these attitudes and states are portrayed as normal. I recently read something that said something along the lines of "In a marriage there is the wrong way to do things, and then there is the wife's way" and the, "I'm king of the castle when she's not around" "Happy wife, happy life" all of these things which paint the role of a wife to be this horrible manipulating dictator. Then I watch shows like "Everybody Loves Raymond" or "King of Queens" and see the role that the wives on these shows play as nagging and pushy and crabby and complaining and the men are made out to be the bad guy because they are causing her to be this way!?! It makes me angry, because this isn't normal, this isn't the role we were intended to fill as wives, or mothers, this isn't even the good enough role, this is bordering on the barely passable as acting wife and/or mother. Just because you exchange vows and rings doesn't make you a good wife, and the carrying of a life in your womb makes you no more of an adequate mother and caregiver than picking up a stray puppy off the side of the road. These are roles that require effort, training and constant determination to do better, just like aiming for constant promotions in the work place. This is the reason why there are millions of books out there like "The Power of a Praying Wife/Mother" "Nurturing the Leader Within Your Child" "Fall In Love, Stay In Love" "For Women Only" All of these training manuals per se on how to keep getting better at what you do. I want to do that!! I want to fill that role!! I want to be just like that woman that King Lemuel's mother described, I want to fulfill the roles that God has appointed to me so well that others take note and say, I want to be like HER! This is not because I'm vain, or I want to be a celebrity, fame is by all means the very last thing that I desire for my life. I like to keep my personal affairs private and that's not possible in the case of celebrity, I want to be like the woman in my life whom I feel exemplifies all of these properties, the woman whom I hope to someday be like, I want to be that woman for some other woman, or even more importantly for my daughters.
The band Everclear has a song called "Everything to Everyone" which talks about a woman whom they ridicule because she tries to be everything to everyone, but I don't think that's a bad thing, per se. I want to be everything to everyone who I have a duty to, to my husband, I want to be EVERYTHING that a wife can be, to my children I want to be EVERYTHING that a mother can be, to the students I help to lead in youth ministry, I want to be EVERYTHING that a youth leader can be, to the individuals that I will someday train, I want to be EVERYTHING that personal trainer can be, the same goes as a daughter, sister, friend and most importantly follower of Christ. Even Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:22 "I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some." You see, if I am not in the practice of putting my everything into all things, I will not put my everything into the things that mean the most. I will not put my everything into reaching others for the sake of the gospel. Christ deserves our very best for the sake of all that He has given for us, and what better way to honor and celebrate the blessings of the roles that He has placed me in than to give them my very best?!
So, I guess it comes back around to this. When I think about what "World's Greatest" I want to be, I can't give it a simple answer, but I suppose I could sum it up like this...I want to be the World's Greatest Christ-Fearing Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend and Motivating Personal Trainer guided by the gentle instruction of Proverbs 31, sharing the gospel and spreading the message of Christ's love to ALL people by fulfilling all of my roles to the very best of my ability, so that when my time comes the Lord might lovingly look upon me and say, "Well done my good and faithful servant."
Friday, October 15, 2010
Waging War on Weekend Weight Gain
DISCLAIMER: Any suggestions that I may offer are simply my own. I am not a health care professional, nutritionist or personal trainer (yet ;) ), just a girl whose been on this journey for almost 2 years now and has picked up a few things along the way that seem to work. Take it or leave it :)
So, as I was making my breakfast this morning and whipping up a little concoction that has become one of my favorite healthy morning treats, I got to thinking that others might like it too...I know my family does. You see, I have this passion for all things crunchy and in my journey that has been a major struggle, while there is crunch in a fresh apple, or celery or baby carrots, it simply does not satisfy the same way as those pearly whites crashing through a potato chip or nice hard pretzel rod or even the crispy coating on a freshly fried chicken tender. Beyond that, I am a carb freak, I mean honestly, what woman isn't? What I'm getting at by telling you this is that several months ago I had a devastating craving for a crispy fried potato pancake...which of course is DEFINITELY NOT on my meal plan. So, I got to thinking about what I might do and came up with this delectable little treat.
Savory Oatmeal Pancake. Now I know that doesn't sound very tasty when you think of the gummy blob in your breakfast bowl that honestly only tastes good if it's loaded down with butter and brown sugar, but trust me and keep reading. This went through several experimental phases and lots of modifications and didn't wind up coming out much like a potato pancake but it sure is tasty. Anyway, this is what it boils down to. For quite some time I've been using oatmeal as a healthy replacement for breadcrumbs in things like meatballs or meatloaf and go the idea to grind and season it so that it took on the same general consistency as bread worked. So busting out my trusty Magic Bullet, I dumped in some oats and a good few shakes of the Mrs. Dash Tomato Basil Garlic seasoning and pulsed away. Still slightly suspect, I decided to throw caution to the wind and follow through with my original concept. I sauteed up onions, and green peppers and set them aside. Then I took 2 egg whites, scrambled them up with some of the oatmeal "bread crumbs," mixed in the veggies and dumped it back into the skillet with some cooking spray. About a minute on each side and it forms together like a delicious savory pancake, which I like to top with some fresh salsa or diced tomatoes. It doesn't come out particularly crispy but it is hearty and filling and healthy! The one that I made for myself this morning with turkey bacon, onions and mushrooms and topped with salsa was right at 120 calories! Eat that with some fresh fruit or toss in some shredded cheese and you've got a seriously delicious and healthy meal, that will not leave you feeling like you're starving in 20 minutes! Plus, you can put practically anything in it!
Anyway, I threw out that story and "recipe" if you will, to get at a certain point. There are plenty of foods that with a simple modification can chop your calories and especially your sodium content by more than 1/2.
Suggestion 1: Always be thinking of simple modifications to make your foods healthier. Swap oatmeal for breadcrumbs or other binding agent in some of your more caloric dense foods. Use a low fat or fat free ranch dressing in place of mayo for an even healthier tuna or chicken salad.
Suggestion 2: Always be prepared! The weekend is the worst time for spontaneous restaurant stops or meals on the go, but if you have the opportunity to know where you are going to eat before you pull into the parking lot, do your research. Take some time to look up the menu and nutrition information online before you go the restaurant. Have in mind exactly what you are going to order and stick to it.
Suggestion 3: When eating out, avoid the extras. Ask the server not to bring bread rolls, or chips and salsa so that you don't take in all of those extra calories! Not even having them on the table keeps you from having to resist the temptation.
Suggestion 4: Don't be afraid to ask for modifications to your meal. Ask for your protein to be grilled without butter or oil, for no salt to be added. Ask for your vegetables to be steamed rather than cooked in a butter bath...ACTUALLY EAT YOUR VEGETABLES! Ask for the dressing on your salad to be served on the side, that way you control the calories, not the sauce happy server.
Suggestion 5: When out and about on the weekend bring healthy snacks with you. This will keep your metabolism high and will keep you from being so hungry that when you pop in at a random restaurant you over eat.
Suggestion 6: Avoid eating in front of the television or at the movie theatre. When you are preoccupied you aren't aware of how much you are eating and are more prone to over eat. When watching a movie at home, if you must snack, make it a healthy one and only take the portion that you intend to eat out of the kitchen.
Suggestion 7: This is perhaps the most important suggestion that I can offer you, for the weekend or any other day of the week, especially if you are actively trying to lose weight. WRITE IT DOWN! Everything that you eat keep in a food journal, there are ones that you can use online or do the pen and paper method. My personal choice is the lovely LoseIT app on my iPhone which keeps it all together for me, and I ALWAYS have it with me. It may seem tedious, and in a great many ways, it is, but the fact of the matter is this, if you aren't writing it down it's easy to develop that food amnesia where you forget about that bite of pizza or handful of cereal, the M&Ms here or cookie there.
Set realistic goals for yourself and strive hard to achieve them. Make them realistic and regularly check your progress on achieving them. If you aren't on track to meet them by your deadline consider pushing your deadline back, but work hard to achieve the goal and don't beat yourself up over not meeting the goal or having a bad day, or even a bad meal, just start fresh the next meal or next day, don't wait for a new week or use one mistake to sabotage yourself further.
My goal is to be healthy and inspire those around me to become more healthy as well.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
"Oh How God Loves Us"
The last couple of weeks I've really be pondering the volume of Christ's love for me and my family. Alex hurt his back at work about 2 weeks ago now. He's been in and out of the chiropractor's, worker's comp doctor and physical therapists' offices while he's been on light duty at work. While the situation seems tragic, and in many ways it is, it's been a bit of a blessing in disguise. For the last 3 weeks, Alex has been working in the office, and has been able to see a lot of the "behind the scenes" elements of the job and develop an even greater respect and appreciation for doing quality work. He also has proven his professionalism and dependability with the supervisors and may potentially be a candidate for a promotion at some point in the future. In addition, he's been able to have the weekends off, which means that he's been able to spend some really important time with me and the girls, including our camping getaway this past weekend.
I think if you asked Alex or I individually we'd both agree that we think we are a pretty romantic couple and generally speaking are both always looking for ways to display our love to each other, but it becomes just how apparent how much romance and closeness has been lost, when you have the opportunity to be alone together for 3 days and reestablish that closeness and romance. Getting away from all of the busyness and chaos of our schedules, having a break from the responsibilities of the children and housekeeping, of working and home maintenance and simply marveling at the wonder of God's creation was just what we needed. When I think about the last time we went camping (5 years ago), acknowledging and praising God for His creation was the last thing on either of our minds, as we reached for another beer and worked on our tan as we floated down the river. Having a REAL relationship with Christ and having that as the center of our relationship made this camping trip so much more rewarding for us! We had the opportunity to take a bike ride on the most beautiful wooded path, I've ever experienced. The 2 of us being alone, winding through the woods and marveling at the fall colors popping up around us, taking in the aromas after the morning rain and celebrating this amazing marriage that God has given us, was rejuvenating. Probably the most profound expression and celebration of God's creation and His love for us was our hike.
We took a 4 mile, or so, hike through some of the most amazing wooded paths we've ever walked. Feeling the healthy exertion as we climbed higher, gave us praise for healthy bodies, reflecting on even the minute details of plant life, mushroom hunting, marveling at the grandiosity of the trees that towered over us, and then reaching the pinnacle...McAdams Peak. This is one of the highest points in the hills and an amazing look out point. From here we could see the winding of the Mississippi and Illinois rivers, the vastness of the prairie and wetland surrounding the river valley, and even an eagle soaring over the river, all in the warm late afternoon sun. As we stood there holding each other, we praised God for His creation, brought to fruition by the utterance of a word and that He would love us so much to give this to us!
Oh, how God loves us! I am the one Jesus loves!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Daddys and Bedtime Prayers
My dad is very special to me, in a great many ways that I hadn't observed over the last many years. When there is the teenage rebellion, the overly confident college independence and the scoffing at unsolicited advice in early parenthood it's easy to forget, overlook or simply ignore the life that he spoke into me, the lessons he taught me and some of the great memories that I have because of him. When faced with the prospect of losing that relationship, not having him as a sounding board, a gentle spirit or even the rambling chatterbox, those thoughts and memories become far more precious and the respect and value that I possess for my dad becomes ever more apparent. Tonight, one of those very special memories flashed to mind, as after spending the night with MoMo and PaPa, Michaela eagerly gave "Eskimo kisses" which was always one of my dad's trademark moves.
Our bedtime routine, though it wasn't every night, usually went something like this: We'd chat for a bit, maybe he'd read a story or part of a story and then we'd pray the rehearsed prayer, "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen." Then he'd give me eskimo kisses, a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose, and then on the forehead. A kiss on the nose is something that is rare and unique and my dad is one of the only ones I've known to do that, so when Michaela tenderly kissed my nose I couldn't help but get teary eyed thinking of those special moments with my dad. And after all the giggles and rehearsed prayers were done he'd say to me the one phrase that even now he'll still whisper on occasion, "I'll hug you forever." No matter where we are in our lives, how far we've drifted apart, whether we talk daily or not for several weeks, I know that he will hug me as long as he has strength enough to lift his arms, and I cherish that, just his promise that he'll always make sure I have milk and oj, how he showed up at my college apartment with them in hand, long talks and all of the memories of bed time prayers and Eskimo kisses.
I love you, Daddy, and I will hug you forever...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Oh what a celebration...
Now, typically I'm not one for buffet restaurants. I don't feel like it's worth the price for me since I'm not going to make 5 trips to the buffet line, but the kids ate free and Alex would make several trips so the cost would be comparable to any other restaurant. Immediately when we got inside though, my heart broke. As I looked around, all that I saw were severely overweight people at every table, and I felt like this establishment was nothing but a celebration of gluttony. As I made my way down the buffet line, carefully trying to pick out the foods that weren't swimming in a pool of butter, or deep fat fried, and loaded down with heavy creams, my options were severely limited. While all the while people pushed passed me with plates in each hand loaded down with fried chicken, okra, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, baked spaghetti, pizza, and french fries. Or full dinner plates with a whole array of desserts! Now maybe this is harsh for me to be saying, maybe I should shut up, since it wasn't that long ago that I was making my 6th trip to the buffet line for another plate of nachos, but I've never felt so emotionally wounded for people in all my life.
I want to make my point perfectly clear, this is not a criticism of the individuals; while I feel there are always much better options that could have been chosen, this is largely a criticism of the establishment. It was as if this was a place where obesity was not only accepted but celebrated and encouraged. You were encouraged to make several trips, the restaurant made no attempt at offering anything with any health merit. A few raw veggies on the salad bar, but tucked between premixed salads with rich cream dressings. Two options of fresh fruit, again tucked behind the cherry pie filling, and peaches in heavy syrup, every cooked vegetable was bathing in melted butter or stationed next to the pump of nacho cheese sauce to be topped with. And all the while as I sat there, watching this take place I couldn't help but think of Jillian Michaels. Since my obsession with all things fitness, especially Biggest Loser, she has become an important part of my life through her work out DVDs, daily email support, and updates of her app on my phone, she's on my mind a lot. I was wondering what her response would be walking into that place. Would it be heart break like I felt, or anger, or sheer disgust? And I couldn't help but contemplate the name of the establishment...Golden Corral. I'm pretty sure that the name is intended to indicate the carved ham, turkey and steak that are available at the buffet line but my mind went to the concept of animals at the feeding trough, being fattened up for the slaughter. I don't want to be likened to an animal of any sort, especially not in my eating habits, and especially not like that.
Perhaps the most heart breaking was the children. I have an especially soft spot in my heart for kids who are overweight. I largely feel like they are a victim of their circumstances, they have no choice over their weight gain until they make their own food decisions and even then, without having been properly educated their choice is made for them. Seeing as how I've spent the better portion of my life as morbidly obese by medical standards, I know the pain of being an overweight child. I know the challenges, I know how mean other kids can be, I know what it's like to not be able to wear the same clothing as everyone else, because it doesn't come in your size and I hurt for those kids. The kids with the 3rd bowl of whipped cream, plates full of cookies, brownies, cup cakes and ice cream. Plates mounded with mac and cheese and french fries but never any vegetables. Even with the butter bath the vegetables were swimming in I felt it was still the valuable option for nutrients, but I guess I was in the minority. I left there feeling sad and even more secure in the choice that's pulling me towards a career in health and fitness.