I consider myself blessed that I have the fortunate opportunity to experience musical worship twice on Sunday mornings. Seeing as how the super hot worship leader also shares my bed, I get to hear the worship set, during practice and then again in the service and so do my girls. I find that often times they are the ones teaching me more about the presence of the Lord than I could ever share with them. As an adult I think that the busyness of life and the preoccupation with appearances often prevents us from fully experiencing the presence of the Lord. I've often heard it said that children need to attend church services with their parents so that they can see people worship and learn what it means. I also believe that children need to attend church services with their parents, so we can learn to stop being so uptight.
This morning, during practice the worship team was playing the song "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me and my precious little Emily, who had attentively been sitting watching her daddy practice all morning suddenly stood up and moved to the front of the room, and with arms outstretched and head thrown back, began to dance her little 2 year old dance.
Surrounded by your glory, what will my heart feel, will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still... That moment spoke volumes to my aching heart.

Wouldn't it be just like a child to dance in the presence of the Lord?! And I imagined what it will be like on that day, basking in the presence of God, arms outstretched and head thrown back, feeling His presence wash over me so completely, and I prayed for my inhibitions to be removed, so that I might worship my Savior like He deserves, with reckless abandon.