The last few weeks have met us with some unfortunate circumstances which have consumed all of my time and therefore have prevented me from posting. I know that sounds like an excuse but let me fill you in...
On February 15th, Alex fell off of a telephone pole at work and sprained 3 vertebrae and fractured his shin. This meant that he was on crutches and off work for the last few weeks. This also meant that he relied heavily upon me for nearly all of his basic necessities. While it was exhausting, it did give me a glimpse into what it will be like to have someone totally dependent upon was scary... He is doing much better now. He is off of the crutches and slowly regaining strength in his leg. His back is still giving him trouble. He just had an MRI on Thursday to further investigate the extent of his injuries. We will find out the results of the MRI on Monday at his next doctor's appointment. He has also returned to work on light duty meaning office work which he hates.
In other news, my mom also had a brief hospital stay in the last few weeks. She had a lump in one of her breasts which had been growing ever larger for the past 3 months. I finally convinced her to get it checked out and they decided to admit her to the hospital and remove the lump. They haven't yet told her what it was but thankfully, don't think it was cancer. Her hospital stay also left me to manage the office where we work for a few days which was stressful to say the least. She was also diagnosed with diabetes which has her a bit stressed out and has forced her to change her diet.
During this stressful week, I began having some sharp pains in my lower abdomen. I figured I would put them off for as long as possible but after 3 days of them getting worse and then being accompanied by a fever and persistent vomiting, we called my doctor. It was recommended that I go to the hospital for further investigation. They determined that everything was fine with Michaela and the pains weren't Braxton Hicks or anything to be concerned about but likely her hitting a nerve when she was moving. The pains have since subsided. I also had a doctor's appointment on Monday where they determined that I might be gaining too much weight, so I've been scheduled for an ultrasound on Monday the 12th to check the weight of the baby. This has really been concerning me and so I've been doing everything I can to be as healthy as possible. We also start our child birth classes on Monday which is exciting and a bit scary as well because that means we are getting really close.
She is moving all the time which I love and can't wait to meet her, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm just not quite ready. Hopefully after the classes I will feel better prepared.
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