I just want to express how much I have enjoyed carrying you for the last 37 weeks. The experience has truly been invaluable. While I am sure that you are pleasantly warm there resting on my bladder, giving it a swift kick every so often, don't you think it is about time you came out?
Honestly sweetheart, I'm not trying to rush you. I am truly looking out only for your best interest. You see, I know that you are growing because your kicks are more intense. I just think that space must be growing awfully small for a growing girl. Once you come out you have a wonderful room waiting for you. It is much larger with plenty of room for you to stretch and play. There is a wonderful soft crib and swing and beautiful pictures that hang on the walls. You will finally get to meet your daddy--to put a face with all of the music and singing. Also we have so many beautiful outfits for you and if you wait much longer they just won't fit.
Please know that Mommy loves you very much but she just feels like she's being selfish. There are so many people who want to meet you and I feel like I should share you with them. If you don't come out soon everyone will just think that I'm trying to keep you from them and then they'll get upset. I know that mommy has sounded a bit grumpy lately, but don't worry--I promise I won't be that way once you get here. You see as you get bigger and run out of space there inside, mommy is also being stretched. Stretched so much her clothes don't exactly fit and her back is getting kinda achy. I know you probably don't feel like you are ready to come out but all of the doctors assure me that you have everything that you need to make it. I promise it's not as cold out here as we say it is and we'll make sure to keep you nice and warm.
I know it is all on your time. Just know that Mommy and Daddy both love you very much and can't wait to meet you.
So that's the nice way of saying--I'm miserable. PLEASE GET THIS KID OUT OF ME!!!!
I've been having contractions for the last few days. They are still irregular and not very intense. According to the doctor, my cervix is open but not dilated. I'm 90% certain that I lost my mucus plug yesterday which, according to all of my parental female friends, means that I can expect to go into labor sometime in the next few days. Of course the medical personnel say that means sometime in the next few weeks. We're hoping the former rather than the latter. We finished our childbirth classes last night which now have me feeling sufficiently prepared to care for the life of another human being (please note the sarcasm!). I am very anxious to meet her though, as is Alex. We have finished her room and finally feel adequately prepared in terms of items for her arrival.
We have become very well informed on all of the alleged methods for encouraging labor, however, as of yet none of them are producing any real results. There is of course the walking, spicy food, pineapple, and other means. I am reluctant to try the Castor oil but it may very well come to that. Just pray that she gets here soon before I explode. My patience is wearing thin.
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