Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's been awhile...

It's been quite some time since I've found my fingers delightfully dancing across my keyboard to share the details of my life with the one person who might actually read this thing, but I've had a lot on my mind lately...maybe enough to share with the anonymous blog stalkers of the internet, maybe not, but at any rate as a good friend just recently launched her own blog it reminded me of the joy and comfort I feel pouring my heart out in literary form.

I love words, I love to right and feel like one of my deepest passions is such. So here I am, jumping off again...perhaps I will be successful and regularly entertain you with my wit and charm or perhaps just like the infomercial "Sonic Blade" you'll find this blog tossed aside with the neon green stirrup pants for someone else to snatch up at the Goodwill. But, at least for now, I am back...

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